Database Snapshot Part III
How to create database snapshot
Create database snapshot_name on (Name=logicalfilename, filename=’path of snapshot file’) as snapshot of databasename
If you observe the file which is created on c:\temp folder the size of file shows similar to size of database, but if you observer size on disk, it shows the exact value
To view the snapshots
SSMS – Databases – Database Snapshots
To drop snapshot
If database has multiple ndfs then we need to create snapshot files for each data file otherwise it will throw the below error
Msg 5127, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
All files must be specified for database snapshot creation. Missing the file
Syntax to create database snapshot for database which has multiple ndf files
For which databases snapshot are created
To restore database from database snapshot
How to create database snapshot
Create database snapshot_name on (Name=logicalfilename, filename=’path of snapshot file’) as snapshot of databasename
Create Database KalyanDB_Snap ON
If you observe the file which is created on c:\temp folder the size of file shows similar to size of database, but if you observer size on disk, it shows the exact value
To view the snapshots
SSMS – Databases – Database Snapshots
To retrieve information using snapshot
select * from dbo.OrderDetails
To drop snapshot
If database has multiple ndfs then we need to create snapshot files for each data file otherwise it will throw the below error
Msg 5127, Level 16, State 1, Line 2
All files must be specified for database snapshot creation. Missing the file
Syntax to create database snapshot for database which has multiple ndf files
create database salesdb_snap1 on
(name = 'primary_data', filename='c:\temp\sales_db_snap.sp'),
(name = 'Sales2010', filename = 'c:\temp\sales2010.sp'),
(name = 'Sales2011', filename = 'c:\temp\sales2011.sp'),
--(name =
'Sales2012', filename = 'c:\temp\sales2012.sp'),
(name = 'Sales2013', filename = 'c:\temp\sales2013.sp') as snapshot of salesdb
For which databases snapshot are created
select name, database_id,
source_database_id from sys.databases
where source_database_id is not null
To restore database from database snapshot
restore database kalyandb from