1. SQL Server SSMS -- Management -- Database Mail Right Click -- Select Configure database mail
2. Click on Next Button
3. Select Setup Database Mail by performing the following tasks -- Next
4. Profile Name -- Kalyan_Mail_Profile
Description -- This profile is to test SQL Server Job Notifications -- Add
5. Provide valid email address and smtp address along with port number - Ok
6. Click n Next Button
7. Select the profile which you recently added -- Next -- Next -- Finish
With the above steps database will be configured in SQL Server, You can test this by using below steps
1. SQL Server SSMS -- Management -- Database Mail -- Right Click -- Send Test Mail
2. Ensure mail profile name is correct
3. Specify email Id
4. Hit Send Test Mail Button
Database Mail Catalog views
select * from msdb..sysmail_allitems
select * from msdb..sysmail_sentitems
select * from msdb..sysmail_unsentitems
select * from msdb..sysmail_faileditems
select * from msdb..sysmail_mailattachments
select * from msdb..sysmail_event_log
select * from msdb..sysmail_profile
select * from msdb..sysmail_account
2. Click on Next Button
3. Select Setup Database Mail by performing the following tasks -- Next
4. Profile Name -- Kalyan_Mail_Profile
Description -- This profile is to test SQL Server Job Notifications -- Add
5. Provide valid email address and smtp address along with port number - Ok
6. Click n Next Button
7. Select the profile which you recently added -- Next -- Next -- Finish
With the above steps database will be configured in SQL Server, You can test this by using below steps
1. SQL Server SSMS -- Management -- Database Mail -- Right Click -- Send Test Mail
2. Ensure mail profile name is correct
3. Specify email Id
4. Hit Send Test Mail Button
Database Mail Catalog views
select * from msdb..sysmail_allitems
select * from msdb..sysmail_sentitems
select * from msdb..sysmail_unsentitems
select * from msdb..sysmail_faileditems
select * from msdb..sysmail_mailattachments
select * from msdb..sysmail_event_log
select * from msdb..sysmail_profile
select * from msdb..sysmail_account
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