Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The server network address can not be reached or does not exist Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1418

The server network address "TCP://ServerName.domainname.com:5022" can not be reached or does not exist. Check the network address name and that the ports for the local and remote endpoints are operational. (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: 1418)

The above error may occur while configuring database mirroring

1. Make sure you restored full backup on Mirror server (with norecovery mode)
2. Make sure you restored atleast one log backup on Mirror server (with norecovery mode)
3. Try to connect mirror instance from principal server and vice versa ( to make sure mirror is contacting principal and principal is contacting mirror)
3. Verify the listener port using the below command
telnet sqlservername portnumber
telnet sqlservername 5022   -- If the port is not working it displays connection could not open, If it works then it doesn't prompt you anything on the console
4. Issue the below command from both principal and mirror instances

Grant connect on endpoint::mirroring to domain\account (If this doesnot works, use the below command)

Grant connect on endpoint::mirroring to public


  1. I have met this issue, try all the way list above, but don't resolve.
    Use a new endpoint at last, it works.
    The root cause is 5022 may block other session.

    1. Using new endpoint means, deleting the previous one and then creating new one.

    2. I am very thankful to you for post ...Grant connect on endpoint::mirroring to public this command worked for me to resolve 1418 error in mirroring...big thanks

  2. Yes you are absolutely right , the last option work for me
    I run

    grant connect on endpoint::principal to public; (on principal db)

    grant connect on endpoint::mirrored to public; (on mirrored db)
