Compression Related
Compress the
files, Each single file will be compressed as one file and a new file will
get created with filename.gz
-c -- If you
specified -c it displays standard out to console and creates a new gz file
without delete the original file
$gzip *.err -- Compress all .err files and creates
new file per .err with .err.gz
$ gzip errorlog
$ ls - lrt
$ gzip -c errorlog
> errorlog1.gz
$ ls -lrt
$ gzip *.err
Uncompress the
file that was compressed using gzip or compress commands
-c -- displays
standard output to console and without unzip the file
$ gunzip *.err.gz -- Uncompress all .err.gz
files into .err files
$ gunzip
$ ls -lrt
$ gunzip *.err.gz
Tar stands for
Tape Archive in Linux. This command is used to create a archive for
collection of files into highly compressed files in unix / linux systems
Tar Examples
-c -- Creates a new .tar
archive file
-v -- Verbose mode, shows the
progress of .tar file
-f -- filename
[root@Kalyan workspace]# tar -cvf
mysqlbinaries.tar /local/mnt/workspace/mysqlbinaries/
tar: Removing leading `/' from member names
[root@Kalyan workspace]# ls -lrt
total 374356
drwxr-x--- 2 kalyan users 4096 May 27 04:07 mysqlbinaries
-rw-r--r-- 1 root
bin 382955520 Jun 2 06:50 mysqlbinaries.tar
If you observe the
above command tar -cvf, It just creates a .tar files with the collection
files in the mysql binaries folder, but it wont compress the collection size.
[root@Kalyan mysqlbinaries]# du -h .
366M .
[root@Kalyanmysqlbinaries]# cd ..
[root@Kalyanworkspace]# du -h mysqlbinaries.tar
The size of whole
mysqlbinaries folder and size of .tar file is same.
-z -- This option helps to
create a compressed gzip archive file.
$ tar -cvzf
mysqlbinaries.tar.gz /loca/mnt/workspace/mysqlbinaries
$ tar -cvzf
mysqlbinaries.tgz /loca/mnt/workspace/mysqlbinaries
workspace]# du -h mysqlbinaries.tgz
358M mysqlbinaries.tgz
workspace]# du -h mysqlbinaries.tar
366M mysqlbinaries.tar
-j -- This option is used to
create bz2 Archive file, it compress and creates archive file less than the
size of gzip but it will take more time to compress an decompress the file.
It is used to create highly compressed file (.tar.bz2 or tbz or tb2)
-x -- This option is used to
untar or extract the contents of an archive file
-C -- Usually if you untar any
file using -x option then it will extract the contents to the current folder,
if you want to change the extract location to some other folder you need to
specify -C option
$ tar -xvf
abc.tar -- Extracts the contents
to current folder
$ tar -xvf abc.tar
-C /usr/kalyan/tmp -- Extracts the
contents to specified folder
-t -- This option helps to
list the contents of any tar file without extracting it
$ tar -tvf
abc.tar -- Lists the
contents of the given tar file
--extract -- This option helps
to extract only particular file from the .tar file
$ tar --extract
$ tar --extract
-r -- This option helps to add
/ append a file to existing tar file
$ tar -rvf
$ tar -rvf
mysqlbinaries.tar local --- It
adds local folder to mysqlbinaries.tar file
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